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Dashboard Instructions

Sign in:  https://start.employtest.com/login

Test catalog: Shows all tests available in your account, alphabetically (or Filter/Search).  Save Favorite tests using the “Star” icon and create Filters to streamline test selection.

EmployTest Instructions

Edit email template: Prior to testing, you can edit the default template, if needed, for emailed test sessions (save after each edit). Updated template will be sent for all emailed sessions, until updated again.

EmployTest Instructions

Create a new test session:  (remote or on-site testing)

Select Manage Sessions, Create New Session (top right):

EmployTest Instructions

1. Add Applicant name and email, top left. Select “Add Applicant”. Repeat for additional applicants taking the same tests (Check “Yes, Email Sessions to Applicants” if session should be emailed to applicants will be testing away from your office.)

EmployTest Instructions

2. Search for desired test(s) by topic, using filters or favorite (starred) tests. You can add multiple tests. Click “Add”.

EmployTest Instructions

3. Select “Schedule Session(s)” (lower right). The applicant(s) is emailed a test invitation link to complete the tests (if Email box was checked).

EmployTest Instructions

4. If launching test on this computer, locate the test session row and use the “Launch” button (right side) to start the test now.

Manage sessions: After scheduling/activating the session, use Manage Sessions to:

EmployTest Instructions

Test Scores: Score reports are emailed to the test administrator(s), not applicants. If you have multiple administrators, the report is emailed to the admin who created the session and may be viewable by other admins. Scores are also displayed on “Test Scores” on main dashboard and on Test Scores tab (left). Use “Download CSV” to generate summary report of all past scores (CSV).

EmployTest Instructions

Account Settings: Add/remove Admins (co-workers) to the account.

Score Recipients: Additional emails that should only receive score reports, without full account access.

EmployTest Instructions

General settings: Change name/email of primary test administrator and expiration period for test sessions (default 14 days).  Billing History provides PDF receipt.

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Credit Management/Purchase History: Credits can be purchased using Buy Credits (lower left corner). Pending sessions are not included in Available credit count, but deleting Pending sessions adds the credits back. Credit expiration date is also shown.

EmployTest Instructions

Anti-Cheating Measures

1. Test questions cannot be copy/pasted into AI tools, which reduces the ease of searching online for answers.

2. Certain tests count any external mouse clicks beyond the currently used test screen (to another tab, window or program).  When a user clicks outside the screen, a pop up window will instruct them to discontinue doing that.