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4 tips to hiring IT professionals

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Keep these four things in mind when hiring an IT professional.

Keep these four things in mind when hiring an IT professional.

In the current business world, there is a high demand for information technology talent. As more companies continue moving their business processes and operations online, employers are increasing efforts to find the right types of IT professionals to ensure the transition goes smoothly. That said, organizations don’t always have success in filling hiring needs in the IT field. According to the Society of Human Resources Management, data scientists, information security analysts and software engineers are often the most difficult roles to fill.

But that doesn’t mean the growth of the business world’s digital presence is going to slow anytime soon. Instead, business leaders need to find more efficient ways to attract and hire the right individuals for IT positions. Here are four simple tips to do so:

1. Talk in the same terms as your audience
The effectiveness of your recruitment efforts relies heavily on your ability to speak keep the attention of potential candidates. One of the best and easiest ways for you to do so is to use the same terminology and language as prospective readers. When you’re describing what kinds of projects and responsibilities the employee will be taking on, be sure you use industry-relevant terms and point out information that will be most valuable. Don’t be afraid to advertise all of the perks and benefits that come along with working for your organization.

2. Start by testing for hard skills
There are a wide variety of ways for you to research a candidate’s education and job history, but if you want to make sure they’ll be able to contribute early on, there’s few better ways than pre-employment tests. Pre-employment assessments from EmployTest ensure that applicants have the skills necessary to complete the job for which you’re hiring. You should be able to make hiring decisions with the confidence that those individuals will be able to contribute on day one of work – assessments from EmployTest help make that possible.

Don't be afraid to test potential employees for skills they'll need at work.Don’t be afraid to test potential employees for skills they’ll need at work.

3. Then, look beyond those skills
As technologies of our machines and devices becomes more advanced, the responsibilities of all workers – especially those in the IT department – are changing regularly. While technical expertise is an important quality to have in an employee, there are other factors that should be considered as well.

It is becoming increasingly important to hire employees with good social and soft skills as well. Although technologies are taking on bigger roles in day-to-day tasks of various businesses, organizations also need individuals who possess the communication and collaboration skills to manage and communicate with other employees. Another trait that is difficult to assess from a resume is attention to detail. Luckily, EmployTest’s Attention to Detail tests are available to help you find IT professionals who have excellent attention to details.

4. Give recruitment software a try
Most job-seekers are looking for places to work in which they have the potential to grow and develop as employees. The same is true of top tech candidates. In the same vein, the majority of individuals looking for a new source of employment are searching for an organization that is both modern and relevant in the business world. That said, it’s important for your company to maintain a sleek appearance at all times. In staying with the times, it’s crucial to update your recruiting platforms. If candidates see that you’re using an outdated, inefficient system for talent management or acquisition, they are likely to look elsewhere for employment.  As important as it is for candidates to impress hiring managers at your company, it’s important for you to impress potential employees as well.