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How To Conduct Exit Interviews – Tips for HR Teams

How To Conduct an Exit Interview Tips on how to conduct exit interviews
Reading Time: 6 minutes

What Are Exit Interviews?

Exit interviews are structured conversations you have with employees who have decided to leave your company. The primary goal is to gain insights into their experience, gather candid feedback on what worked well and what areas need improvement, and identify potential systemic issues that may be contributing to attrition.

During the spring of 2022, at the peak of the Great Resignation, USA Today revealed that a record 4.5 million American workers were leaving their jobs each month, accounting for 3% of the entire US workforce.

As an HR pro, few things sting more than losing a top performer. After all, the greater goal for any company is to retain valued employees. But what if you could turn those dreaded exits into a goldmine of insights to make your company an even more irresistible place to work? That’s where exit interviews come in handy. 

When you make exit interviews count, you get valuable data to boost retention rates and create a more positive, engaging workplace culture. After all, HBR reports that companies with a strong corporate culture see a 4x increase in revenue growth compared to companies with a weak culture.

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Why Are Exit Interviews Critical for HR Success?

Exit interviews offer a private environment for departing employees to express their perspectives during the offboarding process. HBR summarizes what companies can learn from exit interviews: Why employees stay, why employees leave, and how the organization needs to change.

Pinpoint Retention Issues

Understanding the specific reasons behind departures helps you see patterns or systemic problems that may be driving attrition rates higher. Common factors like poor management, lack of growth opportunities, uncompetitive compensation, and cultural issues can be identified.

Improve Employee Experience

The insights gained from exit interviews reveal areas where you can improve different parts of the employee journey – from recruitment and onboarding to training, development, and workplace policies. Armed with this knowledge, you can refine your strategies to better attract, engage, and retain top performers at every stage.

Exit Interviews Provide a Benchmark 

Exit interview data enables you to objectively evaluate how your company’s employee engagement and retention metrics compare to industry standards and best practices. This external benchmarking is critical for knowing if you are truly providing a rewarding, exemplary employee experience.

Validate Hiring and Assessment Practices

Exit data can show if your recruitment process was successful at identifying top applicants in the first place. If not, it may signal a need to re-evaluate your hiring processes, or a need to try insightful, reliable, and powerful tools, such as pre-employment tests!

Positive Exit Interview

Sample Exit Interview Questions 

Creating questions that encourage honest dialogue maximizes the value of your exit interviews. 

sample questions in this list are designed to uncover the root causes of an employee’s departure and give you an understanding of their experience within your company.

Download your free printable Sample Exit Interview Questions here!

Questions about their role and responsibilities:

Questions about the work environment and culture:

Questions about management and leadership:

Questions about career growth and development:

Questions about compensation and benefits:

Questions about their future plans:

By asking these questions, you’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of the employee’s experience that uncover areas of improvement. 

Conduct Exit Interviews

How to Conduct an Exit Interview Like A Pro: A Step-By-Step Guide

In an article by Forbes, the interviewee’s dos and don’ts for conducting exit interviews were outlined, emphasizing the significance of conducting them effectively.

Now that you understand the importance of exit interviews, the types of questions to ask, and the importance of maintaining a positive approach, it’s time to put your knowledge into action.

Download your free step-by-step guide
 to conduct exit interviews like a true HR superhero!

  1. Schedule the interview: Arrange a time and private location that is convenient for the departing employee. Ensure confidentiality to encourage open and honest communication.
  2. Set the stage: Begin by thanking the employee for their time and contributions to the company. Explain the purpose of the exit interview and emphasize that their feedback will be used to improve the workplace for future employees.
  3. Ask open-ended questions: Use the questions outlined earlier as a guide, but feel free to ask additional probing questions based on the employee’s responses. Open-ended questions encourage more detailed and insightful feedback.
  4. Listen actively: Maintain eye contact, nod, and take comprehensive notes to show that you are fully engaged and value the employee’s feedback. Avoid interrupting or becoming defensive, even if the feedback is critical.
  5. Address any concerns: If the employee raises specific concerns or issues, address them professionally and objectively. Avoid becoming defensive or dismissive, and focus on understanding their perspective.
  6. Discuss the transition process: Ensure the employee understands the next steps in the transition process, such as the return of company property, final pay, and any non-compete or non-disclosure agreements.
  7. Thank the employee: Express your sincere appreciation for their time, candor, and feedback, and wish them well in their future endeavors. 
  8. Document the interview: After the interview, promptly and thoroughly document the feedback and insights gathered. This will ensure that the valuable information is not lost or forgotten and can be effectively utilized to inform future improvements.

By following this comprehensive template, you’ll be well-equipped to conduct exit interviews that are professional, insightful, and respectful of the departing employee’s experience and perspective.

How Can You Use Data from Exit Interviews? 

Conducting exit interviews is just the first step in the process. The real value lies in how you effectively use the insights to drive meaningful change within your organization.

Here are some strategies for maximizing the impact of your exit interview data:

Identify Trends and Patterns

Carefully analyze the feedback and look for recurring themes, issues, or concerns that multiple departing employees have identified. These patterns may indicate systemic problems that need to be addressed.

Develop Actionable Plans

Based on the feedback received, develop action plans to address areas of concern. These plans should outline concrete steps, timelines, measurable goals, and clear accountability measures.

Level Up Your Recruitment Strategies

Exit interviews can help you improve your selection and assessment processes. For example, if employees cite poor skills fit or mismatched expectations, consider re-evaluating job profiles or using pre-employment tests to assess technical skills, culture fit, and other factors early in your hiring process.

Enhance Onboarding and Training

Use the exit interview data to identify gaps or areas for improvement in your organization’s onboarding and training programs. Ensure that new employees are properly prepared and supported from day one.

Improve Communication and Feedback Loops

Provide targeted leadership coaching, training, and feedback to strengthen any gaps or poor behaviors highlighted in the interviews.

Continue Monitoring

Continuously monitor metrics like employee engagement, compensation rates compared to the market, promotion rates, turnover, and exit interview feedback to assess the impact of improvement initiatives implemented.

How to Hire New Employees: The Smarter Way

Exit interviews are an amazing tool for understanding what’s really going on with your existing employees. But what about making sure you hire the right people from the start? Pre-employment tests got your back. 

Pre-employment testing offers a ton of additional upsides:

Instead of just taking someone’s word for their experience or expertise, pre-employment assessment tests let you see their actual capabilities in action through job-relevant simulations, situational tests, personality profiles, and more. 

If this powerful tool sounds like something that your company would benefit from using, try a free sample test today!