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Lying on Resumes: How Pre-Employment Tests Can Help

Lying on Resumes: How Pre-Employment Tests Can Help
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Do People Lie on Their Resumes?

Lying on resumes may be more common than you think. According to a recent survey by ResumeLab, a whopping 70% of workers admit to lying on their resumes, with 37% confessing to doing so frequently.

These shocking statistics underpin the importance of employers strategically verifying the skills candidates present in their resumes.

In today’s job market, candidates often stretch the truth on their resumes, making it a challenge for employers to identify authentic and qualified talent. 
As you navigate through the hiring process, it’s critically important to be vigilant when dealing with applicants. Here are some of the most common lies potential employees write in their resumes:

Embellishing Responsibilities

According to an article by Forbes, 52% of job seekers admit to overstating responsibilities in general on their resumes. This widespread practice makes it challenging for HR managers to accurately gauge a candidate’s true experience and capabilities. 

Exaggerating The Number of People managed

The study indicates that 45% of job seekers exaggerate the number of people they have managed in their previous roles. This finding underscores a tendency among candidates to inflate their leadership experience, aiming to present a more impressive professional background.

Inflated Skills 

15% of job seekers confess to lying on resumes by exaggerating their skills section. This can cause problems later on when their actual abilities don’t match what they claimed.

This statistic emphasizes the importance of validating skills through objective assessments, such as pre-employment tests, to ensure candidates have the necessary job qualifications.

Lying in resumes suggests that some people may add falsehoods in order to appear more skilled, experienced, accomplished, and competent than they actually are.

Why Applicants Are Lying On Resumes 

Why would a candidate risk reputation and trust by lying on their resume? Insecurity and doubt often motivate the deception. 

Applicants lack confidence in selling legitimate experiences. Many fear gaps being viewed negatively or simply want to tick all the buzzword boxes. While resume fraud may seem like a quick fix to land a job, it’s unethical and can also have serious consequences.

The Costs of Resume Fraud for Your Company

If you don’t properly screen candidates before hiring, you risk exposing your company to a multitude of issues related to bad hires. These issues can range from a high turnover rate to irreversible damage to your company’s reputation.

Rushing the process or choosing someone just because they look good on paper is a recipe for disaster. To ensure you hire the most qualified candidates, carefully review their qualifications to make sure they fit the job. A successful candidate selection starts with knowing how to spot lies on resumes.

How to Spot Candidates Lying on Resumes

Despite the prevalence of falsehoods on resumes, employers and HR managers have effective strategies at their disposal to identify and address them. Here are practical tips for detecting lies on resumes.

Check for Inconsistencies in Responsibilities and Achievements:Female Recruiter Interviewing Woman to rule out lying on resume

When reviewing resumes, pay close attention to claimed responsibilities and achievements.

Any inconsistencies between the stated role and actual accomplishments may signal potential dishonesty.

Verify Job Titles and Management Claims

It’s important to verify job titles and the number of people a candidate claims to have managed. Cross-reference this information with previous employers to establish the candidate’s credibility.

Validate Length of Employment

Candidates often exaggerate the duration of their employment at previous positions. Ensure that you verify employment history to maintain accuracy in your evaluation.

Pre-Employment Tests

Pre-employment tests expose gaps between candidates’ claimed skills and their actual abilities.

For example, if a candidate claims to be proficient in a particular software but fails to show that skill during the test, it could be a sign of dishonesty on their resume.

Verify Applicant Skills Using Pre-Employment Tests

To address the challenge of identifying dishonest candidates, more employers are using pre-employment assessment tests in the hiring process. With a variety of tests, you can evaluate a candidate’s skills, knowledge, and behavior, providing objective insights beyond their resume. Here are some advantages of verifying applicant skills using pre-employment tests: 

Objective Evaluation

Pre-employment tests offer you a standardized and objective method of evaluating candidates. This allows you to make informed decisions based on concrete data.

Skill Validation

Use these tests to help validate the skills claimed by candidates, ensuring that individuals possess the necessary qualifications for the role.

Insights into Behavioral Traits

Assessing behavioral traits through pre-employment tests provides you with a deeper understanding of a candidate’s suitability for your company culture.

Reducing Hiring Risks:

By incorporating pre-employment tests, you can mitigate the risks associated with hiring individuals who may have fabricated their qualifications.

By using skills assessment test, you’ll be able to avoid the risks associated with lying on resumes and ensure that you hire the most qualified candidates for your company.

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