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The benefits of giving new hires an ‘onboarding buddy’

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The benefits of giving new hires an 'onboarding buddy'

The benefits of giving new hires an ‘onboarding buddy’

Adjusting to an unfamiliar work environment can be difficult for new hires, especially if the proper onboarding processes aren’t in place. Hiring managers devote a massive amount of time and energy to tracking down top talent, checking qualifications and conducting face-to-face interviews, but these efforts can be wasted if candidates are not directly supported in their first few weeks of employment. With employee “ghosting” on the rise, it’s never been more important to implement a comprehensive and engaging onboarding framework that helps recent hires make a seamless transition into their new positions.

One of the latest recruitment trends is the practice of pairing new hires with an “onboarding buddy.” This strategy ensures that employees are able to build meaningful relationships from day one, helping them feel like a valuable addition to the organization. A buddy system can also provide an opportunity for informal knowledge sharing, as experienced employees are able to shape the early development of new hires to suit existing expectations and workflows. But what are the specific benefits of implementing an onboarding buddy program?

Onboarding buddy helps new hireOnboarding buddies are more than just emotional support, as they also contribute to new employee training.

Top 3 benefits of onboarding buddies
First, it’s important to point out that an effective onboarding process is crucial to retaining employees and reducing short-term turnover. According to data compiled by Brandon Hall Group, organizations that have a strong onboarding framework can improve their retention of new employees by a whopping 82%. Companies that overwhelm recent hires with administrative tasks, paperwork and tedious training initiatives often have a much harder time transitioning candidates into their new roles and keeping them engaged in the long term. In fact, employees who have a negative onboarding experience are nearly twice as likely to start searching out other career opportunities within their first year of employment, per research from Digitate. Organizations looking to create a more welcoming and consistent new hire program should consider the following benefits of implementing an onboarding buddy system:

Developing an effective onboarding system is all about accommodating the needs of new hires and providing them with the knowledge, tools and reassurance they need to adapt to a new work environment.