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84% of Job Applicants Aren’t 100% Truthful on Their Resume.

Hire Confidently, with a library of more than 100+ Pre-Employment Tests.

Start testing applicants now, with flexible pricing that adjusts as your team grows.

With 75,000+ tests administered annually, EmployTest has helped 1000’s of employers avoid hiring mistakes for their teams.

  • Over $100 million in hiring mistakes saved.
  • 2250+ 4-5 Star Reviews
  • 25 years of pre-employment assessment experience

Are interviews and resumes reliably accurate?

Sometimes, but neither interviews or resumes provide an independent, data-driven verification of what applicants can accomplish.

Hiring the best candidates is hard to do. Especially if you only have a few qualified applicants. It’s critically important to verify what their skills actually are.

Questions? Schedule a call.

What’s Included in 100+ Pre-Hire Tests?

Job skills, behavioral traits, aptitude, industry knowledge and more! All questions have been developed by Phd/Masters level researchers (See Test List).
Categories include:

  • Basic employment skills (attention to detail, reading comp, grammar/spelling)
  • Industry knowledge
  • Workplace behavior and aptitude
  • Microsoft Office skills and general computer knowledge

We can customize tests from our categories to match your job position (ask us!)

Ready to get started?

Start testing candidates 8 minutes from now. No complex price quotes or required “demos” with sales reps. See our pricing and order the package that works for you. Start making smarter hiring decisions, today!

Let’s Get Started!

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