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Start Pre Employment Testing In Less Than 10 Minutes

Hire Confidently with 100+ Pre-Employment Tests At Your Fingertips

Start testing applicants now with flexible pricing and tools backed by science.

Trust EmployTest to help you avoid hiring mistakes with our data-driven assessments. Interactive testing that measures job skills, behavioral traits, industry knowledge, and more all designed by experts.

Don’t lose out on top talent—act fast and verify their skills today!

Let’s Get Started

Ready to make smarter hiring decisions? Begin testing candidates in just 8 minutes (yes, we actually timed it!).


84% of job applicants aren’t 100% truthful on their resume.

EmployTest administers 75,000+ tests annually, while helping 1000’s of employers avoid hiring mistakes for their teams.

  • Saved $100+ million in hiring mistakes and counting
  • 2250+ 4-5 Stars reviews
  • 25 years of professional assessment experience


Are interviews and resumes reliably accurate?

Neither interviews or resumes provide an independent, data-driven verification of what applicants can truly accomplish on the job.

Hiring the best applicants is hard to do. You’ll only have a few qualified applicants and it’s important to verify what their skills actually are.

Get Access to 100+ Pre-Hire Tests

Measure job skills, behavioral traits, aptitude, industry knowledge and much more with EmployTest’s ready to use testing library. All questions developed by Phd/Masters level researchers.

Categories include:

  • Basic employment skills (attention to detail, reading comp, grammar/spelling)
  • Industry knowledge
  • Workplace behavior and aptitude
  • Microsoft Office skills and general computer knowledge

If I Don’t See What I Need, Can I Customize A Test?

Yes! EmployTest can even customize tests from the library of categories to match your job position.

Hiring is competitive. Don’t fail to spot the most skilled applicants, because you didn’t test.

Get Your First Test On Us!

You can't afford NOT to start pre-employment testing, but just in case your not quite convinced, complete this form and you'll get a 30-day money back guarantee PLUS a free test credit on your package purchase as an added bonus!
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