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Supervisory Skills Assessment Test

Leading a team can be very difficult, especially if the new hire doesn’t have such experience. It’s an ability that you cannot easily judge from a resume or interview. A successful work history doesn’t necessarily translate to success as a supervisor.

Our Supervisor Profile will give you more confidence in this hiring decision. It’s simple to administer and will take about 15 minutes for a candidate to complete.

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Any role requiring ability to supervise others


Multiple Choice




15 minutes

What does a Supervisor really do?

A supervisor oversees the work of employees in a particular department or team. The specific tasks of a supervisor can vary depending on the industry and the size of the organization.

Assigning tasks to team members and monitoring to ensure goals are met.

Providing constructive feedback to team members, based on their performance.

Enforcing policies so their team members follows company procedures.

Communicating with upper management, as a bridge between them and their team.

Problem-solving to resolve issues that arise within their team.

Pre-employment tests for job interviews

Supervisory Skills Test Topics

  • Reliability
  • Helping Disposition
  • Self Confidence
  • Supervision
  • Team Player

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Pre-employment tests for job applicants

How are the Supervisor Assessment Tests scored?

Our system instantly emails the score report when the test is finished.  The test taker does not receive or view the results.  These reports are highly detailed and cover the below topics:

  • Percentile overall
  • Percentile by topic
  • Management strategies
  • Follow up interview questions

View Sample Supervisor Report

Hiring Tests for Job Interview

Avoiding bias

Using pre-employment tests is one way to avoid bias in the hiring process. Bias can be conscious or unconscious and recruiters may not be aware that they have them.

Using research-based pre-hire tests reduces bias that may come from work or educational experience.

All of our tests follow the guidelines of the EEOC and US Department of Labor’s Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection.

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Pre-employment tests for job applicants
EmployTest FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a supervisor skills test?

A supervisor skills test is an assessment used to measure a candidate’s ability to manage and lead a team effectively. Employers use supervisor skills tests to make sure that job candidates have the ability to handle supervisory roles, maintain team productivity, and foster a positive work environment.

What kind of questions are on the supervisor assessment test?

The supervisor assessment test includes questions on leadership, conflict resolution, and team management. Candidates might be asked to answer questions involving team disputes, decision-making under pressure, and motivating employees.

How to test job candidates for their supervisory skills?

To test job candidates for their supervisory skills, employers can administer standardized supervisor assessment tests. These tests can include questions on leadership, conflict resolution, and team management. This comprehensive approach ensures that candidates have the necessary skills for effective team leadership.

How are supervisor assessment tests measured?

Supervisor assessment tests are measured using standardized scoring systems that evaluate a candidate’s performance in key supervisory areas. Scores are given as percentiles, which shows how well a candidate performed relative to other job applicants.

How do pre-employment tests assess candidates' supervisory skills?

Pre-employment tests assess candidates’ supervisory skills by evaluating their responses to questions related to team management, reliability, self-confidence and having a helping mindset. By analyzing candidates’ performance, employers can confirm their suitability for supervisory roles.

What specific supervisory skills are covered in your pre-employment tests?

Our pre-employment tests cover specific supervisory skills such as team management, reliability, helping mindset and self-confidence. Leadership skills assess a candidate’s ability to guide and motivate a team.

Why is your pre-employment test valuable for assessing supervisory skills in candidates?

Our pre-employment test is valuable for assessing supervisory skills because it provides a detailed evaluation of a candidate’s ability to lead and manage a team. This helps employers avoid expensive hiring mistakes and only select applicants who can maintain team productivity and a positive work environment.

How can your pre-employment assessment ensure candidates meet our supervisory skills requirements?

Our pre-employment assessment ensures candidates meet your supervisory skills requirements by measuring critical skills such as reliability, team management and self-confidence. By comparing candidates’ scores to benchmarks, employers can spot those who have the skills to do well in their jobs.

How to help an employee with their supervisory skills?

To help an employee with their supervisory skills, provide training programs focused on leadership, communication, and conflict resolution. Offering workshops and role-playing exercises can improve their skills. Targeted feedback and coaching can guide employees to have better supervisory practices. Also, encouraging participation in mentorship programs can also help them learn from experienced leaders and improve their supervisory skills.

Why should businesses prioritize supervisory skills in pre-employment tests?

Businesses should prioritize supervisory skills in pre-employment tests because these skills are important for effective team management and leadership. Strong supervisory skills ensure that employees are motivated, conflicts are resolved efficiently, and team productivity is maintained. By checking these skills before hiring, businesses will know the candidates who are capable of leading teams successfully.

How does supervisor assessment test help businesses ensure quality?

A supervisor assessment test helps businesses ensure quality by selecting candidates who excel in leadership and team management. By choosing candidates with strong supervisory skills, businesses can keep their high standards of team performance, improve employee satisfaction, and ensure effective management practices.

Why are supervisory skills important for business?

Supervisory skills are important for business because they directly impact team productivity, employee satisfaction, and overall company performance. Strong supervisory skills ensure that teams are well-managed and employees are motivated.

Which supervisory skills should business prioritize when hiring?

Businesses should prioritize supervisory skills such as self-confidence, reliability and team management when hiring, which will ensure that supervisors can guide their teams.

Why do businesses use pre-employment supervisor tests?

Businesses use pre-employment supervisor tests to objectively evaluate a candidate’s ability to manage and lead a team. Job interviews and resumes are not always accurate and using a supervisor test gives an independent snapshot of their supervisory skills.

How does supervisor test benefit businesses in evaluating candidates?

Supervisor tests benefit businesses by providing a reliable measure of a candidate’s supervisory skills that is based on data, not opinions of the hiring committee.