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Manager Aptitude Tests

Your candidates might have the “hard” skills you are looking for, but it’s extremely difficult, in an interview setting, to determine if they have the soft skills to successfully manage a team. If that’s your situation, then our Management Aptitude Tests can help before you make a final job offer to your candidates.

  • Interpersonal effectiveness
  • Performance orientation and drive
  • Problem solving
  • Stress management
  • Self-confidence

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General Manager
Customer Service Manager
Retail Center
Sales Manager


Multiple Choice




20-25 Minutes

What a manager does each day:

Great management is key to guiding an organization toward its goals. Managers help their teams maximize their potential with these common tasks:

  • Setting goals and objectives
  • Planning and organizing
  • Staff recruitment and development
  • Decision-making, including financials
  • Problem-solving
  • Performance monitoring and evaluation
Pre-employment tests for job interviews

Manager Aptitude Test Options

Below are our three options for Manager Aptitude tests, plus we can create a test from our topic list to perfectly match your job requirements.

Management Success Profile

This test measures supervisor and management candidates’ interpersonal effectiveness, performance orientation and drive, ability to influence others, and managing business complexity, people and resources.

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Greystone Case Study

Elite Management Profile

The Elite Management Profile is a general indicator of the individual’s ability to lead and manage others.  This version takes approximately 20 minutes to complete.

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Situational Judgment – Manager

The Situational Judgment Test (SJT) – Manager consists of attitudinal, behavioral and situational questions aimed at assessing the candidate’s ability to problem solve and use appropriate judgment while performing the manager function. The test provides an opportunity to objectively assess the management skills of job candidates. It was developed to identify those applicants best able to handle the daily challenges encountered by most managers and supervisors.

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Pre-employment tests for job applicants

Avoiding bias

Using pre-employment tests, such as our Manager Aptitude Tests, is one way to avoid bias in the hiring process. Bias can be conscious or unconscious and recruiters may not be aware that they have them. But using research-based pre-hire tests reduces bias that may come from work or educational experience. All of our tests follow the guidelines of the EEOC and US Department of Labor’s Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection.

These tests will measure managerial behavioral traits and statistically compare them with others who have taken the test. These tests have been used by thousands of applicants over the past ten years.

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Pre-employment assessments
EmployTest FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an assessment test for managers?

An assessment test for managers evaluates a candidate’s ability to lead and manage a team effectively. It measures skills like decision-making, leadership, and problem-solving. Employers use these tests to ensure that candidates are capable of handling managerial responsibilities and driving team success.

What kind of questions are on the manager assessment test?

The manager assessment test includes questions on leadership, decision-making, and problem-solving. The questions may be behavioral or situational based. Candidates might be asked to resolve hypothetical workplace conflicts, make strategic decisions, and demonstrate their leadership style.

How to test job candidates for their management skills?

To test job candidates for their management skills, employers can use pre-set standard manager assessment tests, unless they have a need for customized assessments. These tests give insight into a candidate’s management capabilities.

How are management aptitude tests measured?

Management aptitude tests are measured using standardized scoring systems. Candidates’ responses are evaluated in comparison to norms set up with the applicant population. Scores are presented as percentiles and help employers identify candidates with strong management skills and potential. Follow up questions are available for topics with low scores.

How do pre-employment tests assess candidates' management skills?

Pre-employment tests assess candidates’ management skills by evaluating their responses to behavioral and situational questions.  By analyzing candidates’ answers, employers can determine their management proficiency before hiring or promoting them.

What specific management skills are covered in the manager aptitude test?

The manager aptitude test covers specific management skills such as leadership, decision-making, problem-solving, and team building. It also assesses skills in conflict resolution and strategic planning. These skills are important for effectively managing a team and achieving organizational goals.

Why is your pre-employment test valuable for testing management skills in candidates?

Our pre-employment test is valuable for testing management skills because it provides a detailed evaluation of a candidate’s leadership and decision-making abilities. These competencies are difficult to determine by simply asking interview questions or reviewing resumes.

How can your pre-employment assessment ensure that candidates meet our management skills requirements?

Our pre-employment assessment ensures candidates meet your management skills requirements by providing an independent, data based analysis of key areas such as leadership, decision-making, and problem-solving.

How to help an employee with their management skills?

To help an employee with their management skills, you can give access to online or in-person training programs focused on leadership, decision-making, and problem-solving. Regular feedback and mentoring from more experienced managers can help employees improve their management skills over time.

Why should businesses prioritize management skills in pre-employment tests?

Businesses should prioritize management skills in pre-employment tests because these skills are crucial for effective team leadership. Strong management skills ensure that employees can make sound decisions, resolve conflicts, and lead teams successfully. By assessing these skills before hiring, businesses can select candidates who are well-prepared for managerial roles.

How do management skills help businesses ensure quality?

Management skills help businesses ensure quality by enabling managers to lead teams effectively, make strategic decisions, and resolve conflicts. Employees with strong management skills can drive team performance, maintain high standards, and achieve organizational goals. Ensuring staff possess these skills leads to improved productivity and overall business quality.

Why are management skills important for businesses?

Management skills are important for businesses because they ensure effective leadership will be taken by company employees. These managers can guide teams, make informed decisions, and maintain productivity. Investing in management skills helps businesses achieve their goals and maintain a positive work environment.

Which management skills should businesses prioritize when hiring?

Businesses should prioritize management skills such as decision-making, problem-solving, and team building when hiring. These skills ensure that managers can lead teams effectively, resolve conflicts, and make the right decisions to reach company goals.

Why do businesses use manager aptitude tests?

Businesses use manager aptitude tests because it’s hard to know, from resumes and interviews alone, which job applicants will be great managers. 

How does a managerial aptitude test benefit businesses in evaluating candidates?

Managerial aptitude tests benefit businesses by providing a data driven, objective measure of a candidate’s management skills. This helps employers candidates who can effectively manage teams and achieve organizational goals, leading to better performance and productivity.