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5 Recruitment Challenges Hiring Managers Face (+ Solutions)

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Recruitment has become a fierce competition between talent acquisition specialists, their competitors, and applicants. Hiring managers are forced to sift through mountains of resumes, even if using an applicant tracking system. But with anyone able to claim anything on their resume, the need for effective candidate vetting solutions is clear.

Pre-employment assessment tests can be a beacon in the fog of uncertainty. They can guide hiring managers to select candidates whose skills align with your organization’s needs. EmployTest understands the pivotal role of skill assessments, offering tailored tests designed to empower companies to overcome the challenges of confirming that resume-listed skills are valid.

5 Recruitment Challenges and How to Solve Them

Hiring managers face many talent acquisition challenges that can make their jobs more difficult. Here are some of the most prevalent and how your company can overcome them.

Challenge #1: Finding the right process for assessing candidates

Searching through and testing various assessment processes to accurately evaluate candidates can be as daunting as actually ranking the candidates. Employers often struggle to determine which approach effectively measures candidates’ skills and fit for the role.



Solution: Provide standardized tests for evaluation

Standardized tests tailored to specific job requirements ensure a fair and consistent evaluation process, leading to more informed hiring decisions. For example, a basic employment test can assess the fundamental skills needed, while more specific tests like the employment Excel test and Microsoft Office skills test can filter for skills necessary for particular positions.

Challenge #2: Sourcing diverse candidates

In our diverse world, it’s best for your company to source candidates from varied backgrounds to foster innovation. After all, one potential cause for company stagnation is falling into an echo chamber where ideas cannot grow and evolve. Hiring managers may need help attracting diverse talent pools due to unconscious biases or limited outreach strategies.

Solution: Inclusive job ads and structured interviews

Diversity hiring practices include crafting job advertisements that appeal to a diverse audience. For example, making information available in multiple languages or using examples that aren’t solely specific to a demographic.

Organizations can also use structured interviews and assessments for fairer evaluations. While this format may take away from the “conversational” feel of free-form interviews, it can also eliminate unintentional biases or assumptions made by the interviewer.

Finally, hiring managers can conduct emotional intelligence profiling tests to ensure employees can acclimate to diverse environments and effectively collaborate with colleagues from different backgrounds.

Challenge #3: Long time-to-hire periods

Extended time-to-hire periods can slow productivity and result in missing opportunities to get top talent. Without efficient recruitment processes, companies risk losing candidates to competitors or experiencing prolonged vacancies.



Solution: Establish recruitment metrics and talent pipeline

By tracking recruitment metrics such as time-to-fill and candidate conversion rates, companies can identify bottlenecks in the hiring process and apply fixes to improve efficiency. Plus, building talent pipelines through proactive sourcing and networking ensures a steady stream of qualified candidates, reducing time-to-hire and minimizing operational disruptions.

Challenge #4: High turnover rates

According to LinkedIn, nearly 85% of US workers are considering a job change in 2024. High turnover rates introduce similar problems as long time-to-hire, impacting productivity and morale when positions open. Identifying root causes of turnover, like poor cultural fit or inadequate onboarding processes, can be challenging. 

Solution: Foundational reforms and pre-emptive screening

Organizations can invest in their teams by creating robust onboarding programs. Helping new hires feel supported and engaged from day one will improve turnover rates. Conducting regular stay interviews also allows employers to proactively address concerns and provide tailored support to employee concerns.

Finally, preventative measures can help fix this problem before it worsens. Companies can conduct pre-employment personality profiling tests to help find candidates who are more likely to fit with the team and company cultures.

Challenge #5: Limited budget for recruitment

A limited budget for recruitment can pose significant challenges for organizations, particularly smaller businesses or startups. Employers may struggle to attract qualified candidates or compete with larger companies offering higher salaries and benefits without adequate resources. 

Plus, the loss of resources resulting from investing in a candidate who does not meet expectations feels much more impactful.

Solution: Cost-effective recruitment strategies and more accurate screening

Implementing cost-effective recruitment strategies and enhancing screening processes can help companies overcome budget constraints while ensuring the selection of high-quality candidates. You can leverage employee referrals, networking events, and partnerships with educational institutions to maximize recruitment efforts without breaking the budget.

Investing in more accurate screening methods, such as skills assessment tests and behavioral interviews, allows organizations to identify qualified candidates who align with company culture and values, ultimately optimizing recruitment outcomes with limited resources.

Overcome Hiring Hurdles

Overcoming hiring hurdles is essential for building a solid, diverse workforce that creates organizational success. Leveraging appropriate solutions can open the door for your company to be staffed with the best and brightest.



Internal solutions, such as investing in recruitment processes, can help prepare your company to attract and retain top talent. Meanwhile, pre-emptive solutions, like pre-employment assessments, can ensure you allocate resources only to applicants who fit into your company and contribute to its goals.

It’s crucial to proactively address these challenges for a more efficient and inclusive process. Start by adding skill assessments to your hiring strategy. Take advantage of testing platforms that offer a free sample test so that you can experience the difference firsthand.