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Using Employee Assessment Tools to Futureproof Your Workforce

Employee Assessment Tools To Futureproof Your Workforce 2
Reading Time: 4 minutes

What skills should be included in an employee assessment for a successful workplace?

Employee assessment tools should evaluate a mix of hard and soft skills crucial for workplace success. Some key areas to focus on include technical proficiency, communication, problem-solving, job-related behaviors, and emotional intelligence. Management skills, time management, and creativity must be assessed to identify possible promotable team members.

Employees are always said to be the most valuable asset in any industry. They’re the driving force behind innovation, customer satisfaction, and, ultimately, your bottom line. However, Microsoft reports that 6 out of 10 workers will need additional training before 2027 to close workplace skill gaps. This reality presents both a challenge and an opportunity for forward-thinking companies.

The question is, how do you identify and bridge skill gaps efficiently?

Employee assessment tools can help you spot those gaps and build stronger, future-ready teams. A validated employee test can help you understand your employees’ strengths, weaknesses, and potential for growth. Armed with this information, you can target training efforts, building on your team’s continued growth and success.

Why Traditional Performance Reviews Aren’t Enough

Traditionally, companies have relied on annual or semi-annual performance reviews to assess their employees’ work and provide feedback. However, these methods often fall short, as they tend to be subjective, infrequent, and focused on past performance rather than future potential.

New employee assessment tools, such as employee tests offer a different approach. These tools provide an independent, unbiased analysis to give ongoing insights into employees’ skills and capabilities. This data-driven method aids decision-making regarding hiring, training, and team development.

What are Examples of Employee Assessment Tools?

Think of employee assessment tools as a toolbox for understanding your people. Different tools measure different things, just like you’d use different tools for different jobs around the house. Some common types include:

The Power of Employee Skills Assessments in HR Development

There are numerous benefits to conducting employee skills assessments, including:

Performance Improvement and Risk Mitigation

In 2023, The World Economic Forum reported that 41% of current workers successfully bridged their skill gaps through employer-supported training. Regular skills assessments help you spot skill gaps before they become problems. 

For example, if an employee test reveals that a team member is strong in technical skills but weak in communication skills, a training program could be developed or identified to help the employee improve their communication skills.

Succession Planning

According to SHRM, 49% of organizations prioritize succession planning. Employee skills assessment assists in identifying employees who are ready for more senior roles, ensuring a smooth transition when key positions become available.

Employee Engagement and Retention

Employees who feel their skills are valued and given growth opportunities are more engaged and motivated. LinkedIn reports that 94% of employees would stay at a company longer if it invested in their career.

Employee Assessment Tools To Futureproof Your Workforce

Effective Practices for Employee Assessment Tools

It’s clear: using different types of employee skills assessment can significantly boost your team’s performance. But how do you make them work effectively in your organization? Let’s explore some best practices that will help you get the most out of your assessment efforts.

Use a Valid and Reliable Assessment Tool

Many online quizzes claim to measure skills, but these tests often lack scientific rigor and may not provide meaningful insights into an individual’s true skill level. Select an employee test that’s designed specifically for skill evaluation and has been validated for both accuracy and reliability. 

Be Transparent

Nobody likes feeling like they’re being secretly judged. Be upfront about what you’re assessing, why you’re doing it, and how the results will be used. This openness builds trust and gets employees more engaged in the process.

Implement Regularly Scheduled Assessments

Move beyond annual evaluations to more frequent, targeted assessments. Quarterly or monthly check-ins can help you track progress more effectively and promptly address skill gaps. Regular reminders and clear documentation of assessment processes can help mitigate these risks and ensure that assessments are consistently carried out.

Monitor Progress and Make Adjustments

Use assessment data to create clear, specific goals tied to an employee’s strengths and development areas. Regularly review the progress of employees’ development plans and make adjustments as needed to ensure they are on track to meet their goals.

Choosing the Right Employee Test

Choosing the right employee test is just as important as conducting the assessment effectively. Here are key factors to consider when choosing the right test.

(Pro tip: Did you know that there is a testing platform that allows you to just buy the test credits you need?)

When implemented according to a plan, employee assessment tools do more than evaluate skills—they open doors to targeted development, improved performance, and a more engaged, future-proof workforce.

Ready to supercharge your organization? Start your employee assessment journey today or get a sneak peek at our success stories – see how we’ve helped others like you!